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Terms of service

Before accepting the following conditions, please read the document:

Master S.r.l. Divisione Elettrica complies with the most recent legislation on the processing and protection of your personal data. The EU Regulation 2016/679 (“General Data Protection Regulation” - GDPR) is into force since May 25, 2018 and, thanks to it you can be more aware of how your data are collected and used by companies like ours.


Who processes your personal data?

The Controller of your personal data is Master S.r.l. Divisione Elettrica - Via Mario Tognato, 16 - Este (Padova) - VAT No. 00764990289. You can contact us at the addresses at the bottom of the page. Processing the data means to collect, store, modify, process, distribute and cancel them.


What information do we collect?

What is strictly necessary. You supply us with most information and you can decide whether to share it with us or not. To use our services safely, you need to supply us with just your name and surname, an email address and a password of your choice. The remaining personal details are optional, but we find them useful to supply you with services more promptly. 

If you purchase our products, we must ask you for more information connected with the drawing up and execution of the sale contract (for instance, your address for shipping, financial details for invoicing, telephone and fax numbers for confirmation and direct communication).

We also wish to inform you that, using our services, some technical data will be collected to offer security and functionality at the same time: for instance, we record when you log into our site or visit our web pages and from what IP address, to protect you against unauthorized access, or we use your browser’s “cookies” to remind you that you have already visited us or ask if you wish to automate the access to the reserved area.

If you own a UNA home automation system, the system registers the components and main devices connected to make remote control possible: for instance to allow you to know, once out of the house, if you have left any lights on, or to monitor your consumption. These data, particularly delicate and private, are accessible only to you, the users you decide to enable through control permits (i.e. installers, tenants) and the Master technical service that deals with the maintenance of Master online services, the security and protection from unauthorized accesses.

If you are an electrical installer of UNA home automation systems, you can save your work on our system, so that your customers can use it remotely. The components of your projects (photos and maps included), as well as some diagnostic information on the devices installed at your customers’, are stored on our system. Master can also check the compliance with the license of the “Lapis” programming software.


How do we use this information?

We are keen to let you know our purposes for the use of your data so that we are really transparent:

  • Use of the services: a part of our services are in a reserved area and available only for people who, like you, wishes to be a part of the Master world. If you wish to download our catalogues, or manage a UNA home automation system remotely, or ask for an estimate, please register an account and consent to our processing of your data, as required by the the GDPR. Without this consent, you will not be able to access our services.
  • Assistance: sooner or later, we all need some help, even only to ask for information or solve a problem. Your data are used to understand who you are or who we can call to help you, and the more complete they are, the quicker and the more effective our answers will be.
  • Commercial relations: the data you supply are necessary so that Master can fulfil tax and regulatory obligations in Italy and in the country of destination for exported materials. If, for instance, today you register and tomorrow you purchase our products, we will use the registration data together with the complementary data you have supplied to start the necessary procedures (i.e. orders, confirmations, communications, invoices, shipping).
  • Newsletter: if you wish, from time to time we can send you news about Master products or events. We hate aggressive advertising, therefore ours will never be SPAM mail. If you want, you can easily unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time: you will then receive just very important communications, as, for instance, any future modifications to this disclosure.
  • Internal statistics: Master aims at improving both the quality of its products and services offered, and the effectiveness of its company processes. For instance, we could conduct some internal research an analysis, helping ourselves with your data and the data of users like you, but anonymously.
  • Sharing with third parties: any transfer of your data to third parties for analysis and study’s sake can only take place with your written authorization, assessed and approved by Master from time to time.


How is this information shared?

Your personal data can be consulted by various persons and companies, with the utmost respect for your privacy and in cases of absolute work necessity. Everybody, even within Master, has his/her privilege level that ensures your data are protected from people who must not see them.

Your information is accessible 100% to:

  • you;
  • the data controller and any person appointed by him (processing, protection, filing);
  • the companies or partners dealing with the system maintenance, management and consultancy of Master’s IT equipment. 

While, in a form limited by the need and role, it is accessible to:

  • Master’s technical, sales and administrative departments;
  • other registered users; for instance, the electrical installer of your UNA home automation system is linked to your profile and can read some of your data (mainly the master records) as you can read his. You can check who is linked to you in the web page of your user’s profile;
  • third party partners supplying services as, for instance, our contact persons in the area (to offer you consultancy and assistance), or transport companies (to fulfil orders and deliveries);
  • third parties explicitly authorized by you and Master.


What is our legal basis for data processing?

We collect, use and share the data we have, according to their type, after your free and explicit consent, because it is necessary for the performance of a contract or pre-contract, or for our legitimate interest (art. 6 par. 1, lett. a/b/f GDPR).


How can you exercise your rights pursuant to the GDPR?

As our registered user, you have the right to:

  • access and correct your data at any time, using the appropriate PassMaster reserved area (;
  • delete your profile and the data linked to it (see the web page of your user profile), with the consequence that you can no longer use our digital services;
  • oppose the processing of your data, in particular the newsletter (clicking on the link present in each email or in the web page of your user profile);
  • obtain a portable copy of your data in a common format or limit their use. Contact us to know how.

If you have any difficulties and cannot exercise your rights autonomously, you can always send us a written request to the addresses at the bottom of the page.


Data storage and security

Your personal details are saved on our servers and on those that supply us with the base for the services we offer you every day. Some of these data are necessary so long as your virtual accounts exists, others are temporary and are automatically eliminated when they are no longer needed. For instance, if you own a UNA system, the history of your home automation devices is kept for 24 hours, while the history of your consumption goes from 1 month to 3 years; other data, as the plan of your home automation system, remains active until you delete it manually. Contact us if you want to know more.

If you delete your account, your data in the system are immediately and irreversibly deleted. If, however, you have had a commercial relationship with us, we must keep some information (in particular your personal details, in paper and/or digital format) indispensable to comply with our legal obligations, such as invoicing and tax obligations.

The security of your data is guaranteed: multiple internal backup copies allow us to reset any disasters occurred to our machines, and we use encryption algorithms both for navigation and data storage. We cannot know your password because it is encrypted and only can choose to change it or reset it. Moreover, our technical department monitors anomalies and suspicious events constantly, in order to prevent any hacking, and we have prepared a data protection impact assessment, as suggested in the GDPR.


How to contact us for any questions

If you still have doubts or wish to know more on these subjects, we are at your disposal. Contact us at the following addresses:

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